Teeth Whitening


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Teeth unfortunately go darker and more yellow with age. This is not only due to the passage of time but also from tea, coffee, red wine and other intensely coloured food and drink. Smoking further stains teeth and the natural bright, white shade becomes darkened.

Discoloured teeth are becoming less acceptable socially and professionally!

Teeth whitening is a successful and simple method of lightening the colour of your teeth. The degree of whiteness achieved will vary from patient to patient and with the type of bleaching process chosen.

Home whitening £300

We offer ‘ZOOM whitening’ – this gives an instant & permanent result.

*We also offer an ‘Home Whitening’. The dentist is the best person to assess and advise you appropriately. A custom made mouth tray is created. A whitening gel is placed in the tray which you then wear for just 1 hour each day. Results are normally seen over 2 weeks. The degree of whiteness obtained depends on the structure of the teeth, how long and how often the bleaching solution is used. Many patients will obtain a result two shades lighter than their existing colour.

*The bleaching agent has little or no taste but sometimes causes short term sensitivity.

*The treatment may be repeated at periodic intervals especially if nicotine or caffeine have caused the original staining.

In Chair Tooth whitening


We are delighted to now be able to offer ‘ZOOM IN CHAIR WHITENING’- This gives an instant results that can reach 6 shades lighter in one visit. You will also be given a Take Home Kit for maintenance.

Zoom Whitening